The truth remains.

Do you ever wonder when truth will become important again?

We live in a world where lies are excused, and those who embrace moral codes are mocked.

Perhaps you, like me, are concerned for what this aversion to the truth looks like as we continue on in this century.

We see things through political eyes these days, partly because we are nearing the “changing of the guard” so to speak in Washington D.C.

But, truthfully, we should be viewing this recent turn of events with glasses that reveal to us the source of true vision, rather than the cloudy spectacles of popular viewpoints that further political agendas.

Veracity (truth) is imperative.

Living a life free from deceit is beneficial.

Operating from a position of integrity brings freedom, rather than bondage.

Consider this.

We recently watched two different occasions in which a Presidential Candidate was caught lying (caught almost in the act).

Instead of walking it back, apologizing for their departure from the truth, they doubled down on their fact adding to the already preposterous detail of events.


And, more importantly, why did it seem that a majority of the population didn’t care?

I don’t know when I’ve seen so much apathy, and it is concerning!

Now to be sure, deception exists in every political party.  In fact, it exists everywhere we look.  But the part I can’t wrap my mind around is that we don’t seem to be phased by it.

Have we become lovers of evil, rather than pursuers of good?

Put everything you assume to be “your truth” aside for a moment.  Forget how you were raised, or how you conduct yourself currently.

When a person habitually tells other people things that are proven to be categorically false, are they a liar?

When a person habitually tells other people things that are proven to be categorically false, are found out, and pretend it didn’t happen, what would you label them as?  A pathological liar?

Would you want your life to be governed and protected by a habitual liar?

This is important.

There are people’s lives at stake.

This isn’t a little boy or girl lying about whether or not they stole a piece of gum (although that has serious implications as well).

Perhaps this is a case where this person started out with small deceptions, was allowed to get away with them, and has weaved a web of deceit unlike anything we could have imagined.

For the sake of future generations, and for that of our souls, perhaps we should have a very important conversation with those we love, particularly our children.

Lies and deception are evil.

We cannot allow our consciences to be numbed to an alternative belief.

Truth is not relative.

Are there grey matters that come up every once in awhile? Of course.  I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t recognize that.

I’m not calling for a return to absolute black and white in places where I have no experience.  I realize that world leaders face things I couldn’t possibly imagine.

However, I believe that integrity and faithfulness to the truth should still be placed in a position of first importance… no matter if your name is Mr. Jones, or Mr. President.

Galatians 6:7 says this: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” (Holy Bible AKJV)

I believe that.

That truth doesn’t change.

People who habitually lie, and revel in an existence of deception will be found out...and will reap what they sow.

And even when half the population doesn’t seem to care that a prominent figure is lying and continuing on with some level of popularity, so be it.

The truth remains.

No one, not even the President of the United States - the Leader of the free world, can escape the consequences of deception.

May we teach this generation that integrity and faithfulness matter.

Let’s examine our own hearts, and put aside any tendency to lie when it’s convenient.

While certain people may seem to be above the law, let me assure you, there is a law that no one is above.

And, the truth will set us free.

Don't be afraid to seek knowledge, wisdom, and truth.

We need a generation who will defend faithfulness to their dying breath.

I for one, am not done standing up for what I know to be true.  And, I will call out deception and refuse to accept that it's okay because "everyone is doing it."

It's not okay.

It's deplorable.

And we better start calling what it is.

We can not expect to enjoy a functioning and thriving community when it's members are willing to not only excuse the behavior of liars, but follow them blindly to their own demise.

Stand up and fight.

Fight with the truth.


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