New Year

Isn't the prospect of a New Year fun?

I love a clean slate... but then, who doesn't?

The past year, with all of it's mistakes and frustrations is behind us.

We are embarking on a new season...a new time.

And, even though experience has taught us that there will be difficulties ahead, we are still hopeful that the hard times we face will be more manageable due to the paths we have walked.

We learned lessons in this past year.

We fought battles...Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical.

We celebrated triumphs and victories.

We loved, we laughed, we lived.

And it was all done by the goodness and grace of God.

As I begin this new year, I have so much on my mind.

But, first and foremost, I want to dedicate this year to my Heavenly Father.

I am His.

I echo the Psalmists' prayer in Psalm 59:10...

I want Him to create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.

Nothing else matters except that.

All my lists, all my goals, all the plans I have for 2015 are nothing compared to this...

That I might know HIM deeper.

That I might serve HIM better.

That I might love HIM fuller.

My prayer for myself, my family, and my friends is this:

Happy New Year, Everyone!


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