Wait. Think. Pray.

The other day I was searching Pinterest for some "color scheme ideas." Interestingly enough, a pin that was "out of place" caught my attention, and I found myself in a whirlwind of contemplation.   My first impulse was to hop on over to Facebook, and share my intense disgust concerning this pin, and what it represents. But instead,  I waited. I thought. I prayed.

Would this be helpful?  Would it actually make people think?  Would it ostracize certain friends?

I waited. I thought. I prayed.

*But people need to hear my opinion on this issue, I argued with myself.  Some people probably just don't realize this is a problem!

Wait. Think. Pray.

One of the problems with social media these days, is that it tends to squelch "real conversation."  So many status updates you see are filled with questions or thoughts that should be shared in the context of an actual dialogue.  There should be eye contact.  There should be back and forth discussion. There should be prayerful caution in how to approach difficult subjects.

Proverbs 21:23 reads, Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

I wonder how many times I could have taken that advice. Um, Yeah... Not even trying to count.

Proverbs 15:4 reads, A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.

Wait. Think. Pray.

Sometimes it's not the subject matter that is the problem, but rather the amount of grace involved in sharing the subject.

As a woman who is passionate about teaching others truths about God's Word, I can sometimes forget one simple thing... the "why."

Why am I so compelled to share my opinion on social media?  Is it necessary? Is it helpful? Is it worth it?

Have I spent as much time praying about the situation as I have formulated the perfect status concerning it? Probably not.

I write this as a caution to myself.  

I felt God whisper to my heart that morning, "Wait. Think. Pray."  I want to remember this.  If I haven't spent time in prayer about a controversial subject, then why would I "preach" about that subject on social media?

My desire is that I will spend more time in prayer, and less time creating purposeful "opinion pieces."

But no human being can tame the tongue.
James 3:8a

* This post in no way refers to posting opinions on Political or Religious issues.  I am referring to personal opinions about matters that could hurt people on my Friend List. I realize that there are writers out there who spend their days constructing opinion pieces on social issues.  This is not what I am addressing. 


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