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When walking into the unknown a special kind of trust is required.
I don't particularly like the unknown. When I'm faced with transition, whether small or large I tend to feel as if I'm teetering on the edge of a cliff, about to drop into a dark murkiness.
You would think that as a creative personality I would enjoy periods devoid of structure and predictability. Strangely, I haven't found that to be my experience. I find I like the freedom to choose my path, but dislike the moments when the path is unclear.
What is it about moments of perceived darkness that lead us to new levels of fear? That fear places a choke hold on our mind and emotions and we feel paralysis. It feels like quick sand that keeps us from moving forward because our circumstances hold us back.
They don't really hold us back, but we live under that impression.
One of the most unsettling times is when you have a variety of things up in the air. They may be nothing of great importance. But, the fact that you are connected to each one of them makes them significant to you. As humans we desire clarity. We long for that connected feeling of beginning to end. Completion. Finished.
Even if a particular project or important event isn't to the place of a satisfactory ending, it's comforting when things are going in the direction of significance.
I suppose that is the crux of the matter. That when things are in limbo, it creates the illusion of chaos, which feels insignificant. We feel small. Complicated. So very human.
That's where trust comes in.
I, you, we have to come to a special kind of transition in which we lay down our blueprint and trust the bigger plan.
We don't always get to see what's next; in fact our sight usually becomes clear as the sole of our foot makes it's descent into the upcoming step. That's why it's called trust.
Have you thought deeply about that word?
Trust defined is "[the] assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something."
Assured reliance
the character,
of someone or something.
Another way of putting it would be "the ability to depend on someone who will pull through in every situation."
Well, clearly there is only One person who fits that criteria. I mean, I don't even feel that way about myself! I can't predict that I can rely on my character, ability, strength and truth of myself to pull me through what life brings my way. Can you?
That thought brings to mind the verse found in II Timothy which says, "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is." (v 13)
Now, I have no desire to take this verse out of context, but it brings with in the notion that even when everyone else is devoid of faith, there is One who remains faithful. No matter what. In every circumstance. We can trust Someone.
God created this world, set order in motion and then added some human beings to the creation. A couple of wild cards, mind you. These two humans took the way of unpredictability. Eve chose the fruit and offered it to her husband. They ate and their eyes were opened to a whole new world. They discovered the fruit of their disobedience. It involved hard work, sacrifice and a big dose of the unknown.
Death, hardship and cruelty all became part of the daily equation. I'm not being dramatic, mind you. This is the reality we live with everyday. To live is a risk.
I think that is why transitions (even small ones) can take your breath away. It's a reminder that you aren't in control. Anything could happen, and we don't like that "anything" part of the phrase.
I don't have a top secret equation that makes this angst go away. In fact, I think the tension that accompanies the human existence is there on purpose. I believe we need to live in that moment of unknown with our hand clasped tightly in our Sovereign's grip. He is the only thing that is truly faithful and trustworthy in all of the chaos.
Take heart today if you find yourself in the midst of transition. In the place of unknown.
It's a frightening place to be, but it's where a faithful God meets our desperate heart and brings calm assurance that He is not surprised one bit.
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