This Spoken Word of God

My early life could be characterized as sheltered.

I was raised in a conservative environment, with good music, limited TV watching, and only the best books to read.

I wasn’t allowed to be part of “the world,” as it was referred to, but that was okay with me.  I’ve never been a rebel in the typical sense of the word.

Sure, I was (and still am) stubborn, and opinionated, but I limited that stubborn streak to the company of my parents and immediate family.  I never dreamed of breaking rules, and was not the type to get into a lot of trouble.

What did get me into trouble was my mouth.

I had definitive opinions about any given subject, and I wasn’t afraid to speak up about them.  I would forcefully state my outlook on a given situation, even if it was to my parents’ frustration.

My disrespectful vivaciousness was something I frequently repented of.  I remember begging God to make me meek and mild, so that I could go through a day without disappointing someone with my outspoken performances.

I learned to call on Jesus a lot.

I poured through His Word, and spoke to Him frequently, trying to gain some wisdom for how to be a good kid.

I’m not sure if I figured out how to be good, but along the way I have discovered something great.

God has much to say about the situations we find ourselves in, and so often we ignore the beautiful gift we have been given.

We have the spoken Word of God at our fingerprints.

The vast amounts of “human wisdom” we find ourselves inundated with is no substitute for the character of Christ we find revealed through the spoken Word of God.

It contains insights into every possible scenario we might find ourselves a part of.

We must dive into the sacred texts. We have to cultivate a demand for the divine. We have the Word of God in our reach, and yet we neglect it's nearness.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I John 1:1

Matthew Henry writes, “The plainest reason why the Son of God is called the Word, seems to be, that as our words explain our minds to others, so was the Son of God sent in order to reveal his Father's mind to the world.”

This idea resonates with me.

From the time I was a young girl, I would write my words down when I really wanted to make sure I was getting the point across.  

When I spoke my thoughts through the written word, I was able to concentrate. - To convey my deepest thoughts with clarity.

God’s Word is the ultimate truth-teller. It is a peek into the divine mind of The Creator.

From the moment He first spoke (Let there be light) until the ascension of Christ into the Heavens, God created a masterful story of unparalleled beauty. And the story isn’t finished yet.


The fellowship of Man and Woman with God.

Selfish choices with devastating consequences.

Redemptive sacrifices.

Rules for mankind, which were given to protect, but were scorned by hard-hearted men.

A Savior sent to redeem a world who was determined to choose its own way.

A people who longed for harmony, and found it in the most unlikely of places...In the Prince of Peace, who looked more like a carpenter’s son. 

A manuscript, written on multiple scrolls, with eternal purpose. – The Words of God. The mind of God. The plan of God.

It was written to impart wisdom. 

It was given for our good.

And it is alive for our awakening.

The same God who gave us access to His mind allows us to make up our own mind.

We have a choice.

We don’t have to open the pages and hear from Him.

He invites us in, but allows us to ignore Him.

He sent His Son to give us a piece of His mind. 

As we read through His Words, let us allow Him to bring peace to our minds.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”
Philippians 2:5 (KJV)
While I may desire to be a truth-teller, there is only one source of truth that will stand the test of time. 

The Word of God is living.

The Word of God is active.

And sometimes the Word of God hurts.

It pierces into the places of despair and pain.  It creates a tension we wish we could ignore. And, it unveils a plan so beautiful we can't ignore the breathtaking splendor.

We have a choice to walk away from the perfect plan of God.  That's the amazing thing about grace. - It's freely offered to us, but never forced upon us.

When I think about the fact that God knew me before I was born (Jeremiah 1:5), He has a plan that will lead to fulfillment as I choose to walk in it (Proverbs 4:26), and He offers to help me in my weaknesses (Romans 8:26), I am overwhelmed.  I am intrigued. I am inspired.

He offers His Word - His "mind."

We make the choice if we want to hear from Him or not.

I choose to read.

I choose to listen.

I choose to be transformed.


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